
Globalisation leads to structural change

Nowadays most companies face intense international competition. The liberalization of world trade, political reforms and technological change have contributed to this.


Mer­gers & Acqui­sitions

Strategical chances by buying and sales

In order to be able to grow quickly, the acquisition of market participants is an option. In the event of a strategic reorientation, the sale of companies can be meaningful. With DRICON you are in good hands.



overcoming of an enterprise crisis

The right way out of a crisis is to be developed specifically for each company. It depends on experience and know-how. DRICON experts can help you to make your turnaround successful.


To go same ways togehter with the DRICON AG

"Do not always follow the path which is signposted, it only leads where others have already been."

Running a business successfully means making the right decisions about how to deploy resources.

DRICON Managing Consultants AG advises companies in their strategic decisions and how to implement them. We focus on projects of an international nature. We are experienced in recognising success factors and achieving operational success.

Thank you for your interest in our company and the services we provide.

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