

The purchase of a company can strengthen the own market position, secure new technologies or facilitate or simplify the expansion into new foreign markets. This is particularly true if the acquisition of an attractive competitor succeeds. The risks associated with an acquisition must not be underestimated. Size should not be a major motive for an acquisition. The decisive criterion must be the achievable profit potential. It is also necessary to consider how an acquisition can be financed. This is obviously easier in economically strong phases than in period of weaknesses. For this reason growth investments, in particular, strongly follow the general economic cycle, as illustrated in the figure below.


In order to be able to correctly assess the benefit of a takeover, the following questions must be answered before the transaction is completed:

  • Which company should / could be acquired?
  • Which income effects can be achieved?
  • What is the purchase price?
  • How can the acquisition be financed?


Dependent on the task, we formulate a tailor-made work program. The main areas of activity are:

  • Planning of acquisition strategies
  • Search and contact destination addresses
  • Background- and detail analyzes
  • Execution of due diligence
  • Determination of company value
  • Coordination and moderation of the negotiations
  • Ensuring the financing of purchase
  • Assistance with the drafting of contracts


Thanks to our efficient research methods and excellent contacts in Germany and abroad, we can already name potential purchase objects after a short time. You will receive our research results in a clear form. This provides a basis for the decision-making process. If you wish, we will accompany you until the transaction is successfully completed.


As a transaction-oriented team, we offer support based on comprehensive market knowledge and careful analysis. We have special expertise in cross-border transactions of small and medium-sized companies. Our consultants are experienced in negotiating with international parties. In addition, we have special knowledge in all financing questions.

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